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Andy Fabian

Nothing brings me more joy than when a client sees themself reflected honestly in a piece of content. That’s not just marketing or copywriting at its best; it’s being human at its best.”

Andy empathizes.

He listens, he feels, he intuits. And then he writes. When he writes, he infuses the full weight of his empathy into the words and sentences, bringing them to life with all the nuances of the human experience.

Andy sharpened his pencil at the University of Central Florida, earning a B.A. in English with a concentration in creative writing. His professional writing career began as an editor for a magazine, where he engaged with the world around him through feature articles about artists, chefs, philanthropists, and entrepreneurs.

Now, he fills his cup with the missions of Mighty Citizen’s clients. Using that same humanistic eye, journalistic curiosity, and intrinsic empathy, everything Andy writes has a strong emotional appeal. From tweets and taglines to blogs and brand guides—it all has that little something extra.

When he’s not clickety-clacking at his keyboard, you can find him engaged in a remodeling project he’d say he has no business undertaking on his own, hanging out with his cat and his missus on the couch (in that order), or birdwatching at a nearby park in sunny Sarasota, Florida.

Mighty Citizen since 2023

Location: Sarasota, FL

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