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Stephen Tidmore, CPACC

Executive Vice President of Technology
Development is where the rubber meets the road. We turn ideas into reality.”

Stephen has seen it all.

Stephen built his first website in 1999 (around the same time Nick launched this company). For a few years after college, Stephen developed websites for Dell.

But then wanderlust struck Stephen and he bought a one-way ticket to Spain—launching a six-year journey around the globe. In his time abroad, Stephen built and directed international community service programs in Nicaragua, the British Virgin Islands, and on Native American reservations in Montana. He taught English in Spain. He was an adventure coordinator in Belize. In all, Stephen has lived in, worked in, or visited 31 countries.

Back home in Austin, Stephen became a webmaster at The University of Texas at Austin before joining Mighty Citizen in 2012. As a technical savant and savvy communicator, he’s the perfect person to direct the technology on which our clients build their digital identities.

When not building websites, Stephen loves spending time with his wife and kids, photography (in which he’s highly accomplished), hiking the Greenbelt, and eating Thai food.

Mighty Citizen since 2012

Location: Austin, TX

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