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May 06, 2019 BY Nicole Araujo Mighty News

17 Questions with Nicole Araujo

As Mighty Citizen celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2019, we’re expanding our reach to the Washington D.C. metro area with the arrival of Nicole Araujo, our new client engagement director. She’s the ideal person to help us serve the many mission-focused organizations in the nation’s capital.

We recently asked Nicole about what makes her tick and why she decided to join Mighty Citizen. Here’s what she said.

1. You’ve been on the association side, working for BrightKey and Naylor. What made you take the leap to an agency, and a company based in Austin?

Everyone uses this term “agency,” but I just see Mighty Citizen as a great company that wants to help organizations find their voice. I really appreciate how Mighty Citizen helps organizations position themselves so that their users understand who they are and what they can do.

When they approached me about the opportunity, it seemed like such a good fit for both my experience and the direction in which the company is growing. Mighty Citizen has a solid reputation and a track record for success with very creative projects for associations, nonprofits, higher education, and government agencies. They’ve saturated the Texas market and are launching nationally. I’m beyond excited to introduce this wonderful company to national organizations.

2. What excites you most about this opportunity?

The people and the solutions. As part of my interview process, I had the opportunity to meet most of the Mighty Citizen team. Everyone here has a genuine passion for helping our clients make the world a better place. My teammates share a common desire to serve the world through innovative solutions. Just like me!

3. Was there a moment when you knew it was a good fit?

When I first interviewed with Nick, he told me that Mighty Citizen has a goal of improving the lives of every American by 2027. That blew me away. There are 325 million people in the U.S., so it’s a big hairy goal, but it’s a stat we track in every project. I knew I wanted to be part of an organization that was dedicated to having a positive impact on the world.

4. How do you think your experience on the association side will help you in this new role?

I’ve been very blessed with the opportunity to work with the best company in the call center and fulfillment space, with the best company in the publishing and association support service space, and now, I’m with the best in the branding and digital transformation space.

I’m thankful for all of these experiences, because now, I truly understand organizational structures and I know how processes can be streamlined and enhanced. I know how to diagnose a problem quickly, and how to offer up smart solutions just as quickly.

Last year, I completed the process to become a Certified Association Executive (CAE) to better understand the role that executives play and the many moving parts of an association. Executives have to fully represent their organization every day to their members, their board, Congress, and the general public.

How great is it that, as part of Mighty Citizen, I can help them tell their stories better and to provide technology that will make it easier for their constituents to work with them?

5. What do associations need right now? Where are they facing challenges?

Associations are struggling to figure out, and then share, their message with the world. They do such great work, but they’re swamped.

Staying relevant, boosting engagement, connecting with prospects, and driving new memberships—there’s a lot of work to do. Many of them don’t realize that research, branding, and digital products can greatly lighten their loads and help them share relevant stories with their audiences.

6. And those challenges include messaging and communications?

Definitely. And it’s not just about talking to potential members; it’s also communicating with customers, attendees, blog readers, and people who stumble across the association in a Google search. Associations and nonprofits are really having trouble proving their relevance, staying on message, and consistently managing their whole online ecosystem.

In my 20 years of working with associations, I have come to realize that the general public doesn’t really understand what associations do for the world. I am thrilled to be part of a company that can actually help organizations further their missions, make lives better, and increase awareness.

7. What unique role does Mighty Citizen fill in the D.C. metro area? What are they bringing to the market?

Fresh ideas and a different way of approaching problem-solving. Mighty Citizen has the skill set and technology, the processes and know-how, to really leverage what each organization has to offer. They know how to hone in on what’s important and how to get those messages out to the right people.

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The level of competence and expertise in this organization is amazing to me. I can’t wait to start building those relationships.

8. What brings you the most joy?

People. I love meeting people and hearing what they want to do. I love planning out goals, brainstorming with them, and figuring out ways to do things better—and that aligns with Mighty Citizen. I love helping people, and Mighty Citizen is all about helping organizations have a bigger, better, smarter impact (with a lot less stress).

Okay, rapid fire time:

9. Where did you grow up?

Peach Bottom, Pennsylvania

10. What was your first job?

JoAnn Fabrics

11. Any kids?

Three—Kayla’s in college, Angelina’s in high school, and Alex is in middle school.

12. Any pets?

I have the greatest Siberian Forest Cat named Rob Thomas.

13. What is the best vacation you ever took?

St. Augustine, Florida. It was a much needed break with my family, and the kids were at ages where we all connected. It was peaceful.

14. What’s your favorite dinner?

One with good company. The food is secondary, but important. I love pizza, G&M crab cakes, scallops, sushi, steak, ice cream (teaberry—it’s a PA thing), eggplant parmesan, and more, but the real memories are around the people.

15. What book has made the biggest impact on you (work or personal)?

“The Four Agreements,” and for a laugh, “Furiously Happy.”

16. What’s your travel essential?

Way too many shoes and clothes!

17. You live in the D.C. area, but will we see you down here in Austin?

Of course, I loved Austin before meeting Mighty Citizen, and now I just expect to get to know Austin better. I plan to be in Austin as needed, and some Mighty Citizens will be heading to the east coast as we expand. (Mike and Nick are coming out for the ASAE Membership and Marketing Conference, from June 6-7, and Mike is speaking about Website Hacks for Better Engagement.) If you want to ask Nicole more about teaberry ice cream or how your organization can better connect with the world, continue the conversation here:

Contact Nicole

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