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Acceptable Use Policy for Hosting Services

If Client enters into a hosting arrangement with Mighty Citizen, Client agrees to the following Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). Client’s hosting services may be suspended or terminated for violation of this AUP.

  • Client may not use Mighty Citizen’s network or services to engage in, foster, or promote illegal, abusive, or irresponsible behavior.
  • Client may not use Mighty Citizen’s outgoing email service to send bulk email. No more than 250 recipients may be addressed in a single outgoing email message. Breaking up a larger recipient list into smaller groups in order to bypass this limit is a violation of this AUP.
  • Client must comply with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 and other laws and regulations applicable to bulk or commercial email.
  • Client may not use Mighty Citizen’s outgoing email service to send email or any other communications to a person who has indicated that they do not wish to receive it. If the communication is bulk mail, then Client will not be in violation of this section if Client complies with a removal request within 48 hours of receiving it.
  • Client may not attempt to probe, scan, penetrate or test the vulnerability of a Mighty Citizen system or network, or to breach Mighty Citizen’s security or authentication measures, whether by passive or intrusive techniques, without Mighty Citizen’s express written consent.
  • Client may not publish, transmit or store on or via Mighty Citizen’s network and equipment any content or links to any content that Mighty Citizen reasonably believes is offensive, overly sexual in nature, excessively violent, defamatory, violates a person’s privacy, creates a safety risk to a person or the public, publicly exposes trade secrets, confidential information or intellectual property, promotes or engages in anything illegal under applicable laws, is malicious, fraudulent or may result in retaliation against Mighty Citizen.
  • Client may not use any shared system provided by Mighty Citizen in a way that interferes with the normal operation of the shared system, or that consumes a disproportionate share of the resources of the system.

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